Friday, July 8, 2011

My new website is UP! Please follow!

Well it is official!  My website is finished and up!  I have created it to be more user friendly and I hope it helps all of you!  I have imported all of my blog posts and comments over to my website so I will now be blogging from there.  The top menu and drop downs link to over 100 individual pages I have created and the bottom menu has dropdowns and these connect to posts in my blog :)
There is a subscribe button on all pages that you can subscribe by email which I reccommend (I will be writing every other day)  There are also a ton of other opions taht pop up of ways you can follow!  Thanks for your support everyone!
Scottie Hobbs

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Coach- Lindsay Matway's Coach Spotlight with Beachbody

Im proud of my Coach Lindsay for her accomplishments! 

Sharing Your Light Interview by Abbey Cohen, Beachbody staff writer

"I truly believe that as we live up to our potential, it gives others courage to do the same." - Lindsay Matway

Lindsay Matway firmly believes in model behavior—both by watching those she admires and being an example of the person she aspires to be. "By reaching for our dreams, we let our own light shine," she says. "And as Coaches, we are walking beacons in this world!" Having signed up 44 new Coaches in the past month alone, she proves it every day.

As a new mom supporting her family, Lindsay Matway was nearing the end of her rope at her bartending job. "I was disrespected and undermined, and I became depressed," she says, "I felt like all the big dreams I'd had for my life had slipped out the window somehow." Lindsay prayed for a way out. And soon she found an answer—to a different problem.

"While feeding my newborn one night, I saw a P90X  infomercial and fixated on getting back to my pre-pregnancy shape," she explains. Lindsay checked YouTube®, where home videos confirmed that real people were achieving amazing results, so she took the leap.

"Not only did I look better than ever, but P90X showed me how strong I was, both inside and out!" To give back, Lindsay posted her own 'before' and 'after' videos and was flooded with questions. "I loved responding to them. Then it dawned on me."

"I should be getting PAID for this!"
Lindsay called Beachbody® and learned about Coaching—discovering her new calling almost by accident. But her rapid rise through the ranks was the opposite of accidental.

"I wanted to learn all I could before building my team," Lindsay says. "I spent hours watching and listening to every training Webinar I could get my hands on. Then I checked the leader boards, went on Facebook and requested all the top Coaches as friends so I could imitate what they did." All Lindsay's self-schooling pumped her with excitement and assurance—which she put into an unbelievably bold post on

Looking for leaders
"My post said, 'I'm looking for 15 LEADERS to train and help build their businesses. Join my team so we can make it to the TOP. Who wants in?!'" Lindsay smiles, "I think showing that sort of confidence allowed people to believe in me." It must have, because her first big success came in record time.

"I worked SO hard! It took everything I learned in my research. But in just 21 days, I went Diamond! It was such an incredible feeling to know I'd achieved such a lofty goal!" But as Lindsay discovered, even the most driven Coach can lose her focus.

"Six months in, I realized I'd let managing my team take up most of my time. I'd stopped developing into the kind of Coach I wanted to be," she recalls. Then, at a Super Saturday event, it turned around in an instant. Lindsay says, "They announced the Grand Prize for the Scout It Out Challenge: a trip to Cabo! One second I was thinking how much I'd love to go. The next, I was declaring to ALL my peers, 'Just so you know, I am WINNING that trip!' I'd just committed to making the TOP 3 out of 54,000 Coaches for the month—with only 23 days left to do it!"

Pulling out all the stops
Determined to touch as many lives as possible, as soon as possible, Lindsay became a billboard for the products. She avidly shared her story with all her contacts, made more connections, followed through on everything—and won! "I cried my eyes out when I heard the news. And I knew the trip would be first class, but WOW! The itinerary was loaded with 5-star meals, parasailing, swimming with dolphins—that first dinner I whispered to my fiancé, 'This was sooo worth everything I put into it!'"

And her business has continued to explode. "When I think of where this opportunity has taken me—I never struggle with finances anymore, I get to be home full-time with my daughter, and the quality of people I work with is most impressive—sometimes I go into an all-out ugly cry, I'm so grateful!"

The secret to her success is no mystery. In fact, Lindsay believes it's visible to everyone. "Team Beachbody Coaches are fortunate to be able to illuminate the healthy path for others. As we succeed, people can see that they can help themselves reach their greatest potential, too!"

Coach's Playbook:
• Talk to people the way you like them to talk to you. How did your Coach make the opportunity sound appealing? Duplicate that!
• PASSIONATELY share your experience with people—not just Beachbody experiences, your life. You're building relationships!
• Tell everyone Success Stories, not dry facts! People want to feel and emotionally understand what's happened with others.
• Be BOLD. If you believe someone would love Shakeology® or make a perfect Coach, tell them! The worst that can happen is they'd say no.
• Set big, CLEAR goals. Write them down, remind yourself what they are and focus your energy on obtaining them. Then plan for success!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

$100,000 Contest!

The NEW Beachbody Challenge (win $100K!)
It’s the Million Dollar Body Game®–Reinvented! Starts August 1, 2011.
So many prizes. Such little time:
o Commit to Get Fit and be eligible to win $100,000.00! Two winners(1 female, 1 Male)
o Coaches nominated by each $100,000.00 winner will win $20,000.00.
o Each finalist will take home $25,000.00.(3 Female, 3 male)
o Coaches nominated by each finalist will win $5,000.00
o $500.00 daily prizes
o $1,000.00 monthly prizes
So there will be 4 female winners(3 finalist and 1 grand prize winner) and same goes for the males.
Keep an eye on more info to come on July 1st.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who doesnt like a little Chuck Norris!?

"I think in setting a goal, getting a visual image of what it is you want. You've got to see what it is you want to achieve before you can pursue it"- Chuck Norris

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As most of you know Beachbody has changed my life!  Their programs are top of the line and their nutrition can not be matched!  This is why I have been so successful with Beachbody. This is one company I am proud to be apart of and would love many others to join me in this amazing journey with the most amazing people at our sides.
Beachbody just announced this week that the coach sign up fee of $39.95 has been waived for active duty military or their spouse.  This is not all!  The monthly coach fee of $14.95 is also be waived.  That's right.... YOU can be a team Beachbody Coach for absolutely free!
Why would this benefit you? 
Watch the video below!

First of all you receive 25% discount on all Beachbody products, workouts, and nutrition.  You hasn't heard of P90X, Insanity, Rev Abs, Turbo Fire.  Real Workouts that bring Real Results!
25% Discount on Shakeology... Are you kidding!?!?!?!? Nope that is all included.
Make sure to contact me if you would like to get 25% discount on all products and the chance to make 25% commission on all referrals you send to beachbody through your FREE website.
Email me or friend me on facebook and send me a message!
Coach Scottie

The Flag!

P90X Gun Shoooooooow!

My first attempt at the "Flag"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


"Remember. You're not sweating, it's your fat crying"

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Bombshell Dynasty 2011 Summit

I can not wait for Summit 2012 in Las Vegas! I booked and paid for my ticket on Friday! Here are some highlights from team Bombshell Dynasty @ Summit this past weekend!

P90X2- Future of Fitness!

Power Half Hour broke the mold, P90X pushed the envelope, and soon, P90X2 will shatter the mold, crush the envelope, and ignite a sports science revolution. Here is a very first look at the future of fitness. Pre-order cabability coming soon!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


God took the strength
of a mountain,
The Majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined
these qualities.
When there was
nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece
was complete.
And so, He called it...... DAD

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We are happiest

"We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kelsey Hill

Kelsey Hill and Jessica Lewis are best friends and are teaming up and kicking some major butt with P90X!  Here is the 30 day change for Kelsey!  She won 3rd place in our Summer Slim Down Challenge on day 30!

I love the confidence getting in shape gives you!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I want to share with everyone the beginning of this amazing transformation.  Jessica has been doing P90X  and using Shakeology for just 30 days now and she is blowing our minds.  I LOVED seeing this video because it helps people realize what kind of things you can accomplish when you push yourself and have an amazing support group such as the STAYING FIT FAMILY and Beachbody.  Way to go JESSICA!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dream Big

"All successful people both men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

P90X Facebook Page Highlight!

Today was such an awesome day!  P90X featured my 1 year transformation video on their webpage!  Thanks to everyone from our team for all of your amazing comments.  Without you all here to hold me accountable I would be nothing.  It's my pleasure being your Beachbody Coach!

Dream Big

When your head and heart is consumed with fear, you’ll have no room for dreams. Even if you don’t know the outcome, try, and try again.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

See What Doctors are Saying!

Beachbody Coaching: What it's all about

    There are so many promises out there on the Internet of wealth and how you
can "MAKE MONEY EASILY".  My webinar will show you a company that is making
money and how they will help you make a great living while helping others. 
Their products are know all over the world and only a few people are
representing them!  I have made over a million dollars in just 4 years with just 2
hours a day.  This call will show you how and why you should consider becoming
a representative.
"Today's Internet has such promise to deliver solutions that create not only financial freedom, but to help the world become a better place!"
Meeting Subject: Join David Tyler Martin for a Unique Business Opportunity.

Decide, Commit, Succeed.

Meeting Date: 06/09/2011

Meeting Time: 03:30 PM PDT
To join the meeting from your computer or mobile device, click or copy and

paste this URL into your browser:

To join the audio portion of this meeting, choose your dial in method:

Dial-in Number: +17752693893

U.S. toll free: +18666340822

Skype: fuzemeeting

When prompted enter the room number:

Room #: 275685 and press the # key.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sweet Spot in Life

I wanted to share with all of you a little something I learned about while listening to an awesome call as a coach.  I believe this really struck home to me because I LOVE to play baseball! It talked about the "sweet spot" on a baseball bat.
     I have determined and come to realize that my "sweet spot" in life is this beachbody business. Its like baseball, if you take a good swing and hit that sweet spot on the bat.... its out of the park.
   The coolest thing to me about this is that it's EASY.  All that is required to be a coach is the desire to help others. That's it!  If you have the desire to help others meet their fitness goals and talk about your own fitness journey you will be successful as a coach.
   I have been looking for a long time for a way to make a little extra cash on the side.  I thought about opening a hair salon for my sister to work from, going back to school to learn medicine, and becoming a personal trainer.  All of these demanded a lot of money up front to start.  These would all be extremely hard to do with 3 little ones at home and a mortgage.

My office!
   Then came the Beachbody Coaching opportunity!  A small investment of $14.95 per month for my websites and BAM then ability to make 25% commission on the referral of any Beachbody Supplements and Fitness Programs.  This is one of the best things that has happened in the life of my family.  Its simply amazing.  I came into this business hoping to make enough money to cover my $14.95 and the cost of Shakeology for myself and my wife and by the end of the first month this was accomplished x 6!  All you have to do is tell people about what you are doing and show your passion and the income will come as a bonus.  What could bring you more joy then changing your life and motivating others to do the same!
   I belong to a team of coaches that CARE a ton about the true meaning of being a coach.  We want to end the trend of obesity.  We are here to help you achieve your fitness goals as well as help you become the coach you want to be!
A Few of the Team Bombshell Dynasty Coaches!

Let me know how I can help you

Here is a video of me doing some P90X moves as well as a few pictures from Team Bombshell Dynasty Coaches.  Nothing has pushed me harder than being a coach myself.  I will be writing a post about how beneficial it is to coach others!

Click to see----> Coach Scottie's 1 Year Transformation video

Keep Going

This quotes was shared with me by one of my coaches and I loved it!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bringing it at the Park

This is my start to posting videos for all of you.  This is done on my 1 hour lunch break.  I ran 1 mile to the park and did pullups and pushups for 1/2 hour then ran back.  This was the last set before I headed back.  Remember this was done after an intense Chest and Back routine at 5:00am in the morning with the 30lbs vest!

Starting off a New Year!

I want to say that I'm proud of all of you that have followed your good nutrition during the Memorial weekend holiday festivities. I can not say that I did the best at following my nutrition plan but I did refrain from drinking any sodas and eating chips during meals.  If you feel like you have fallen short on yourself over the weekend, put it in the past and make a new beginning today! 
   I had the opportunity to watch Extreme Makeover Weight loss Edition yesterday evening and it was very emotional for me.  I never knew that being a coach would change me SO much in such a short amount of time.  I am SO proud of each and every one of you for "pushing play" and "digging deeper" each and everyday.  Your lives will change drastically and I'm sure you are already noticing a change in your everyday attitude!  The show last night shows us an important part of a transformation.  From month 6 to month 9 Rachael only lost 3lbs and she says that she busted her butt in the gym.  What did she do wrong?  Nutrition.  She admitted to falling off the wagon on her nutrition and this really damaged her results for those three months.  I only wish I could meet up in person with each and everyone of you to help push you to your limits.  "Staying Fit Family" is the next best place for us to do that.  You all amaze me with your motivation.  I am proud.
    If you are having troubles staying on track with proper nutrition make sure to message me and we will figure out what will work best for each and everyone of you.  Take advantage of the "Club Membership" that Beachbody offers you.  You will not regret it.
    I have a new goal to post a update picture every 2 weeks to keep myself working hard as your coach.  Feel free to join in this and post them to our group page!


Friday, May 27, 2011


Well Team I hope you all have a great Memorial Weekend and you don't indulge too much!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah Winfrey

I want to share with you all this article which was 10 pages in Oprah Winfreys "O" Magazine!  Here are all of your answers to why SHAKEOLOGY is so amazing for your health.

"O’s editor in chief travels to Peru to experience a trove of life-giving superfoods that just might revolutionize your view of nutrition.
Around 4 o’clock on any given morning, Darin Olien will walk into his Malibu, California, kitchen and make himself a smoothie. This will not be an ordinary drink. The other day, for example, he tossed the following into his blender: coconut water, fermented sprouted brown rice, maca, aloe vera juice, barley grass powder, kamut juice powder, almond butter, camu camu, avocado, goji, lucuma powder, noni juice, cacao nibs, MSM, maqui, bee pollen, sacha inchi oil, omega-3-DHA/EPA oil, Hawaiian deepwater salt, chia seeds, nopal, goat yogurt, luo han guo, and a powder called Shakeology.
If you’ve never heard of many of these ingredients, you’re not alone. But stay with me here, because they’re among the most powerful nutrients on Earth. Olien’s specialty is what’s known as “formulating,” taking wildly beneficial substances and combining them into something even more potent: a supplement, a snack, a tea, a medicine, a smoothie. Every food in nature contains a mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, along with noncaloric vitamins, minerals, fibers-all of which fuel our cells-and each one has unique abilities that we really don’t understand, but it is now clear that some foods pack an extra biochemical punch. Camu camu fruit, for instance, provides the richest source of vitamin C known to exist. Maca, a hearty root that grows only in the high Andes, comes in yellow, red, and black varieties, boosts fertility, is said to balance hormones, and dispenses a day’s worth of kick-ass energy. Sacha inchi is another South American treasure, a protein-rich, metabolism-revving nut that delivers an omega-3 bonanza. Olien’s final ingredient, Shakeology, contains more than 70 components itself, a crazy cornucopia of good.


Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bananas gone wild------ I mean bad!

I learned this trick from another member of the Bombshell Dynasty and I absolutely loved it!  Next time when your bananas are starting to go bad put them in the freezer.  They will stay good and be perfect for adding into your Shakeology at a later date!  AMAZING!!!!!

My story for contest!

It was May of 2010, I was not the Father and Husband I knew that I should be.   I was going to work and sitting at my desk from 5:00am until 5:00pm.  I drank 2-3 Monster and Rockstar energy drinks per day to get my caffeine fix and to stay awake.  When I got home from work I would sit on the couch and watch television, always too tired and worn out to play with the kids.  One day as I was lying on the couch watching a movie I could hear my wife in the other room working her butt off to Tony Horton’s Power Half Hour.  I walked in to see the sweat pouring off of her.  I thought, maybe I can do this?  I went back into the living room and plopped myself back on the couch.  A half hour later she came out of the room and started running up and down the stairs in our living room.  This is the moment I decided to commit to P90X.   I  knew my brother-in-law had lost about 100lbs with it so knew it worked.  I wanted something INTENSE.  I bought the program and started on May 20th, 2010.  This day has changed my life.  It’s an anniversary of my new life and a leaving of my old one behind.  This day is also my parent’s anniversary so it’s a very important day to me!
    I have a binder with my P90X worksheets and I love to look back and see the progress I have made over the past year.  One time after posting my month 4 and month 5 pictures a friend told me, “Looks like you have reached you max potential.”  This drove me to push harder.  I bought heavier weights and a weighted vest and pushed myself to the max every day!  I was able to guide my dad and wife up the Middle Teton in Wyoming which averages 1000 vertical feet ascent per mile.  This was a 17 mile trip we did in one day!
    I now am known by my family and friends as one of the most positive people they have ever met.  P90X gave me life.  I have never found anything more stress relieving then sweating it out to Plyometrics and calming the mind and stretching the muscles with Yoga.   I am a better dad; I love to get out and run with my girls in the jogging stroller and take them on walks and hikes.  My daughters love to lay their blankets out and workout with me.  I know this will help them learn to live a healthier life as they continue to grow and watch our example!   The TV hardly ever gets turned on except to “push play”.  It is amazing how many people have followed my example and started their own personal fitness journey.  I have started a free Fit Club in my city where we sweat it out to P90X and other Beachbody workouts!  I love setting an example of living a healthier life!
     I have never felt better about life in general and I know it is because I decided to commit and succeed.  You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.  If you set goals and check up with your progress you will accomplish great things.  “Do more than expected and get better than expected results.”  I am a happy man!

Million Dollar Body Contest Entry Link

Update Picture

DAY 368

Friday, May 20, 2011

4 year old Push-ups

You never know what kind of influence you have on anyone.  My 4 year old daughter doing pushups.  She LOVES to make her Daddy proud.

Where does that stuff come from?

365 DAYS!

One year!  It feels incredibly awesome to know that I have dedicated myself to one whole year with P90X and Beachbody!  I know now that I can never go back to the way I used to be.   I had no drive for anything more in my life then waking up, going to work, and coming home to sit on the couch and watch movies.  It is amazing the change in lifestyle that can come from just Pushing Play every day!  I went from drinking two energy drinks a day just to have the energy to sit at my desk job.
Guiding my Wife and Father up the Middle Teton
    Now I enjoy running at lunch, getting the natural energy from eating right, energy from working out to P90X, starting a local fit club called Team Dynasty 208 Fit Club , playing with my kids, hiking incredible mountains, and having the feeling of knowing I'm healthy and setting an example for others! 
My wife and I/Grand Teton
    I hope that anyone who sees my pictures and posts find that little light and decide to commit to a program and eating right.  Even if they never actually contact me for help I am happy to have made the influence in their lives! 
Being a coach to most of you drives me to be a better person and a better leader.  Keep bringing it!

Make sure to join my team and make me your coach so that I get credit for helping you on your journey!  Get P90X by clicking the picture to the right and have me coach you through the whole program from start to finish!
My Coach Website

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Club Membership @ Beachbody!

So recently I have been asked what the benefeits of being a club member with Beachbody are over just having the free membership. Well here you are !!!!!

Your membership in the new, improved Team Beachbody Club gives you dozens of helpful, motivational, fitness-friendly features, including:
  • Access to the WOWY SuperGym online workout center, to help keep you motivated and ensure you never miss a workout again
  • The latest social-networking features, which put you in touch with the most supportive fitness community anywhere—including Workout Buddies, Workout Groups, Messaging, Chat Rooms, and Blogs
  • Your own customized meal plan to help you lose fat, build lean muscle, and power your workouts********* (MY FAVORITE!)
  • Online fitness and nutrition tools to help you reach your goals
  • An inspirational goal tracker that shows you how far you've progressed
  • An exclusive discount on Team Beachbody workout programs and nutritional supplements  ******10% DISCOUNT ON ALL PRODUCTS INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS and WORKOUT PROGRAMS*****
  • Lots of informative articles, fitness and nutrition tips, and healthy recipes
  • Expert information and advice on the Message Boards
  • Online chats with your favorite celebrity Trainers
This is an example of how the meal planner works-  You put in your preferences and goals with weight loss and a few other things such as you height, weight, and age.  You can then go in and edit certain foods if you do not want them to show up in your planner.  Its amazing.

------Then you can click on the name of the meal/dish and another screen pops up will the recipe as well as all of the nutritional facts of the serving. 

Just this feature right here is worth the $2.99 a week in my personal opinion!  You will save money by better planning out your meals throughout the day.  Mine for example shows Shakeology in my plan because I clicked on a buton while setting it up that asks if Shakeology is part of my daily food choices.

You will love the  10% discount on your purchases and the meal planner will help you to remain eating healthy without getting bored with your meals!

A Great Day!

We all have those days that don't go so well, it happens to everyone!  Well I had one of those days yesterday and decided I would log out of facebook for the evening and go spend some quality time with my family.  When I got home from work I had two Fedex packages on my doorstep.  
    My big bag of Shakeology came and so did my packet from Dolores Thompson - Senior Manager of Testimonial & Success Story Production.  I got the loaner HD flip video recorder and some release waivers.  I'm so stoked to do some recording this weekend!  I am required to send in raw interview footage and video of me doing some workouts.  Please send me some suggestions of what moves you would like to see me perform!  They will then produce the story for me!  I'm still wondering if this is something I can have when they are done producing it so that I can put it on my own You tube channel!  The camera came just in time, I will be hitting my ONE YEAR mark tomorrow!  MAY 20th 2011.