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I have a confession to make. It has to do something with the workout that is done three times a week on the P90X Classic schedule. Yes, you guessed it, Ab Ripper X! I hate it, but I LOVE IT. No.... I really hate it. I smashed a couple of disks in my back when I was 18 years old while snowboarding back country in the Tetons and this causes extreme pain even till today. Any of the moves that require me to hold my legs in the air such as bicycles, crunchy frogs, and mason twists take my breathe away with pain. I HOPE that someday this will go away with the core strengthening moves involved with P90X. I HAVE TO MODIFY. If any of you have problems like this just know that you CAN still get amazing results if you just do the best that you possibly can on every workout and follow proper nutrition. I have done this now for 11 months and still cannot complete all of the moves in this short 16 minute workout. This is why I always emphasize what Mr. Tony Horton himself says and say "DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!" We are starting a local fit club where we will workout together. I frustrates me a little that I will not be able to do this 100% in front of my friends and peers but I won't let this problem let me down. MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY! I hope you don't let any problems you may have let you down either. Bring it!
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