Friday, September 3, 2010

What to eat

I don't use any strict diet plan but I try to eat smaller portions and stick to the protein.  I prefer eating chicken, red meats, tuna,  granola bars, oatmeal with brown sugar, brown rice, bean burritos, bannanas, yogurt, potatoes, vegtables, fruits, lots of milk,  and water.  This is just a basic idea of my diet.  I usually eat 5 times a day if not more.
5:00 am-Shakeology 7:30 am- Granola Bar
9:30 am -Oatmeal with brown sugar (fridays- a dounut from work)
12 noon- two homemade bean burritos
4:00- snack such as peaunut butter and cheee crackers
6:00- Protein shake ( cheap walmart brand-chocolate, blended with ice, milk, raw oatmeal, peanut butter, bannana) taken after workout.
Bedtime Snack- One Reeses Peanut Butter Cup or mini Kit Kat and some milk.

I try to stay away from or at least limit white rice, pastas, noodles, soda, and sugary juices.

This is what works for me.  Stick to the rule of portions.  It may be hard at first and you may feel like you are starving the first few times but eat every couple of hours and your body will adjust.